Monday, March 26, 2012

I am back....

Well I am back again. Hopefully for good. I just wanted to say I miss writing everyday. But things have gotten so hectic around here it is rediculois. So first I want to say hello to you all. How have you all been. Also sorry I have not been writing more often. I will start working on it.

The second is I have changed my way of eating and I have found it very beneficial not only for myself but from what I gather from others they are doing well with their change as well. I am not going to name names since it would not be right. So as far as my eating goes. Well I am doing this "Eating Right for Your Type". Basically you are eating foods that are best for your blood type. Since I am an O type blood + & - really do not matter in this. Only the kind of blood you have A, B, AB, & O is all that matters. So now I have found out that the more O's eat meat it is much better for them as well as fish. Dairy and wheat as well as gluten are not good for us. Also some veggies and fruits are not good for is as well. For example Corn, cucumbers, pickles, potatoes (blue, red, white & yellow), black olives, avocados, blackberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, oranges, etc. Also some beans & legumes are not good for is as well. Like kidney beans, pinto beans and lentils (domestic, green, & red). There is more so in a minute I will make another post on what Os can not have as well as what is beneficial and neutral. So stay tuned. :-) 

And lastly I have not been exercising much this winter. But I will say that I have only gained around 5+ extra pounds since I last wrote you all. I am now yoyoing around 200-205 pounds. Which I think  isn't too bad for not exercising all the time. So any way I am going to do this exercise workout program called Shakeology 30 & 50. It is a lot better for me considering I had a lot of pain in my knees before. So this is gentler on my knees which is good. I need to get strength built up in my knees first before I go to something more intense. So pray that my knees get better quickly rather than later. So that is all I guess. If you all have any questions please leave me abreak note and I will work on getting to you as soon as I can. Thank you all and have a blessed day. There will be more yo come soon. :-)

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