Friday, October 21, 2011

Month 3, Weeks 4-5,Days 1-3

<p>Well, I know I said I would post everyday. It has been hard for me. But, I will yell you this. I may not have been consistent in my workout regimen but I have at least been keeping myself a little more busy lately. I have been finding myself cleaning the house unlike I normally would have since I have been loosing weight. It is almost like when you do spring cleaning and you start going through your house in every room, drawer, cabinet, closet and so on and you look through everything to find what you do not need and either throw it away, get rid of it or give it way to others or sell it at a garage sale. Well, if you really take a good look at it loosing weight and spring cleaning are basically the same thing. You are going through your house and getting rid of all the unused stuff and throwing away the garbage. So basically what I am doing at now an outward sign of what is happening in my body. I am letting go of all the junk in my life. This is also a reflection of your spiritual life as well. Pretty neat huh? Well that is all I have for that one. Now as far as my exercising is concerned I have not totally failed. I have not been consistent in in accomplishing the task set before me. Right now I have not lost any weight so far. But, since I am going to be going into round 2 I think I will be more productive in loosing this weight like I was in the summer months. Well have a blessed day and I will post again sometime soon. <3 y'all.

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